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 Photoinstrument 4.0.403 Portable

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
الإدارة العامة
الإدارة العامة

عدد المساهمات : 109
نقاط : 5719
السٌّمعَة : 2
تاريخ التسجيل : 03/06/2010
الجنس : ذكر
البــلد : Photoinstrument 4.0.403 Portable  RY198303

Photoinstrument 4.0.403 Portable  Empty
مُساهمةPhotoinstrument 4.0.403 Portable

Photoinstrument 4.0.403 Portable
Categories: Software » Portable

Photoinstrument 4.0.403 Portable  2rnj4oh
Photoinstrument 4.0.403 Portable | 8.38 MB

PhotoInstrumentis a powerful and easy-to-learn raster graphics editor used to processdigital photographs. With only a few clicks, anyone can solve mostdigital photo problems: Photo Editing; Photo Retouch; Draw MakeUp. Makeyour photo looks like its taken by professional photographer. If youever wonder to touch up your photo, so you look more beautiful on yourfacebook or friendster or even on myspace, well this software is answeryour question.
Current version includes these tools:
• Liquify
• Clone
• Smudge
• Skin Cleaner
• Glamour Skin
• Dodge / Burn
• Brush
• Blur
• Sharpen
• Colorize
• Rotate / Scale
• Red Eye Removal
• Brightness-Contrast
• Adjust Color Levels
• Glow
• Healing Brush
• Denoise
• Object Removal

Supported languages:
• English
• Bulgarian
• Czech
• Dutch
• French
• German
• Hungarian
• Italian
• Korean
• Polish
• Portuguese
• Russian
• Serbian
• Spanish
• Simplified Chinese
• Turkish

Home Page - http://www.photoinstrument.com/

Photoinstrument 4.0.403 Portable  820411
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Photoinstrument 4.0.403 Portable :: تعاليق

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Photoinstrument 4.0.403 Portable

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» Portable: Special Forces Nemesis Strike (PC/Eng)

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