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 Portable: Special Forces Nemesis Strike (PC/Eng)

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
الإدارة العامة
الإدارة العامة

عدد المساهمات : 109
نقاط : 5719
السٌّمعَة : 2
تاريخ التسجيل : 03/06/2010
الجنس : ذكر
البــلد : Portable: Special Forces Nemesis Strike (PC/Eng)  RY198303

Portable: Special Forces Nemesis Strike (PC/Eng)  Empty
مُساهمةPortable: Special Forces Nemesis Strike (PC/Eng)

Portable: Special Forces Nemesis Strike (PC/Eng)
Categories: Games » PC

Portable: Special Forces Nemesis Strike (PC/Eng)  23roklj

Portable: Special Forces Nemesis Strike (PC/Eng)
English | PC | Developer: Asobo Studio | Publisher: Hip Interactive | 290 MB
Genres: Action (Shooter) / 3D / 3rd Person

SpecialForces: Nemesis Strike – Action from the third person, where you as aplayer, belonging to the elite unit fighting against terrorism. Yourteam consists of two elite agents prepared for any opponent and to anyconditions. The first is a specialist in penetration, the second anexpert on weaponry and melee combat.

Your main objective toneutralize the network Nemesis and remove the stolen technology. Butthe problem is not so simple, given the level of intelligence ofterrorists. The game offers high-quality graphics with special effectsand a wide assortment of weapons, fighting in freefall, various controltechniques: jeeps, boats, armored cars and more!

Portable: Special Forces Nemesis Strike (PC/Eng)  140c5qq

Portable: Special Forces Nemesis Strike (PC/Eng)  23ma7uo

Portable: Special Forces Nemesis Strike (PC/Eng)  2qmm1q0

System requirements:
Operating system: Windows ® XP / Vista
> Processor: Pentium 4/Athlon XP 1.5 GHz
> Memory: 256 MB RAM
> Video Card: 3D-accelerator with 64 MB of memory
> HDD: 2,2 GB on your hard drive

Portable: Special Forces Nemesis Strike (PC/Eng)  820411

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Portable: Special Forces Nemesis Strike (PC/Eng)

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