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 muvee Reveal build 2370

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 171
نقاط : 5702
السٌّمعَة : 13
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/06/2010
الجنس : ذكر
البــلد : muvee Reveal build 2370  RY198303
العمر : 35

muvee Reveal build 2370  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: muvee Reveal build 2370    muvee Reveal build 2370  Icon_minitimeالإثنين سبتمبر 13, 2010 11:05 pm

muvee Reveal build 2370

muvee Reveal build 2370  Muvee_Reveal_8.0.1.16177_build_2370

Recenteighth version of muvee Reveal, jointly released by NVIDIA and muvee,leaders in software for making movies at home, provide the owners ofcomputers based on NVIDIA GeForce GPUs and NVIDIA ION technology NVIDIA® CUDA ™, eightfold (! !) increase speed rendering movies created and edited using it.

For eight years, muvee provides software and services in the field of automatic video processing. Version 8 muvee Reveal has surpassed all previous editions of the family muvee by optimizing the architecture of NVIDIA CUDA.
Programmuvee Reveal - is easy to use software that allows you to quickly,easily and automatically create professional videos and slideshows, andshare them.

Just add video clips, pictures and favorite music, select pre-created the style and click Play. Program muvee Reveal will analyze music, identify its rhythm and on the basis of this footage put your material in the video. When you create a movie muvee software quickly integrates all the selected items, synchronize them with music. Try to use different styles muvee to create a new image videos and images.

The movie can be recorded on DVD-ROM and view it on TV. In addition, the film can be stored in a personal web album on the Web site www.shwup.com. This site allows you to make the film public or accessible only to invited users. Themovie can be saved directly to your computer for later playback on thedevice iPhone / iPod or for export to the mobile phone.
Theindividual character of the movie muvee you can make with simple to usesubtitles and voice comments, watching a movie in full screen mode withDVD-like quality on a computer screen as its creation.
Inthe process of making movies muvee muvee Reveal the program displays asimple tips to help you choose the best match the length of musicalrecording and the number of images.

Convenient media panel. You can control the plot of the film, changing the sequence of images and fragments of video media on the panel. Programmuvee Reveal follows the order (a more convenient way than dragging theimages and fragments of the video during playback). Duringthe movie muvee panel shows playable media images and videos that areautomatically highlighted in the program muvee Reveal.

1. Requires NET Framework 3.0 preinstalled
2. To support MOV and iPod player is required installed Apple Quicktime.
3. Download the video adapter must support OpenGL 1.4

OS: Windows All
Language: ML

muvee Reveal build 2370  820411
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muvee Reveal build 2370
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